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Peter Dudley posted Belt Line Junction is located on Detroit's east side, just north of the Dodge Main site (today's GM / Cadillac Assembly "Poletown" plant). The Michigan Central / New York Central Detroit Belt Line diverged from the M.C.R.R. / NYC Bay City Division, and crossed the parallel Grand Trunk tracks here. The tower is long-gone. The Belt Line once extended all the way to Detroit's east riverfront, connecting with Detroit Transit Railroad (another M.C.R.R. / NYC line). Today, the line ends just north of Gratiot Avenue (where a M.C.R.R. freight station once stood). It served many factories, including Packard Motor Car Company's plant (1906-1956). Peter DudleyPeter and 1 other manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Detroit - Area Railroad History. The tower must have been located east of St. Aubin (within shouting distance of Milwaukee Junction), and west of Joseph Campau. The area has changed, as a result of Poletown plant construction (Hamtramck Drive is new -- the Belt Line no longer directly connects with the North Yard Branch at the former - tower site). http://www.michiganrailroads.com/.../2149-belt-line... For some unexplained reason, these "Belt Line Jct." tower photographs don't match. Did a brick tower replace the frame tower, at some point? Nhat Quan V. Do Is it (apprx.) here? https://www.google.com/maps/@42.3811705,-83.0559676,3a,60y,72.55h,90.55t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sD-o_DyOuOu2cgEH5QJGkoA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Dennis DeBruler The 2005 SPV Map shows it here: https://www.google.com/.../@42.4089091,-83.../data=!3m1!1e3 CRSA/MC is the single-track north/south route and CN/GTW is the double-track diaganol route. Peter DudleyPeter and 1 other manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Detroit - Area Railroad History. Nhat Quan V. Do: It was farther east from St. Aubin (closer to Joseph Campau)). Peter Dudley Dennis DeBruler: Actually, this level crossing is located near the site of Forest Lawn Tower (named after the nearby cemetery). The single-track north / south line there was used by Detroit Terminal Railroad and Michigan Central / NYC Belt Line Extension traffic. The Belt Line Extension track connects with the original Detroit Belt Line just north of I-94, east of Mt. Elliott Avenue. The Mt. Elliott / Detroit Belt Line grade crossing north of I-94 was removed during Poletown plant construction, but it was re-installed a few years ago. The Belt Line Extension connects with the Detroit & Bay City Division / North Yard Branch (leading to the Sterling Secondary / Utica Industrial Track) HERE: https://www.google.com/.../@42.4152245,-83.../data=!3m1!1e3 |
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Peter Dudley commented on his posting Now & Then: A small Michigan Central Railroad (M.C.R.R.) roundhouse once stood east of Mt. Elliott Avenue, north of Forest Lawn Tower, in Detroit. The circular foundation of the roundhouse's back wall is still-extant. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1665857910339175&set=p.1665857910339175&type=3&theater |
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