Tuesday, June 26, 2018

BNSF Oil Spill near Doon, IA


I'm collecting information as the story develops.

Someplace I saw a video taken by the sheriffs department that was over 4 minutes long. Near the end of the video they showed the bridge. The bridge was intact, but you could see big wakes at each pier and the rest of the oil train was still left on the bridge. I would have thought they would have pulled the tankers off the bridge. If they needed weight on the bridge to help stabalize it, then do it with grain cars. Or divert some sand cars. An edited version of the video doesn't show the bridge part.

On June 23, I saw a share of a June 22 posting.

On June 24, I saw a share of a June 22 video.

June 24: seven of the derailed cars have been removed and oil has been removed from 10 cars. "Once all the cars are moved to the nearby field, Williams said a berm will be built around them to prevent the leaking oil from spreading....Williams said the site is a "beehive of activity" with about 200 workers there throughout the day. Williams said rain forecast for Sunday and Monday will not slow down the operation unless there is lightening."

On June 25, I saw a share of a video with some text.

On June 25, the Chicago Tribune had 4.5 column inches in the section where they have several small reports. 14 of the 32 oil tanker cars leaked oil. Of the 230,000 gallons spilled, 100,000 is supposed to be contained behind booms. It didn't mention that people are evacuated from their homes and drinking wells in Doon have been turned off.

I haven't seen anything on the Weather Channel, and I have checked periodically, about the flooded fields in the "fly-over" states.

June 26, BNSF reopens track  "Spokesman Andy Williams said a train ran down the repaired line near Doon around 10 p.m. Monday."  (I shared in Rail News)

June 26, I could not find anything about this oil spill on the BNSF site.

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